Monday, July 9, 2012

Cruise 2012

Kevin and I have been trying to go on a cruise for over 3 years now and it has never worked out until this past Spring.  We begged and pleaded with Grandma and Grandpa to watch the girls for us and then set out on an AWESOME vacation!  It was a little stressful for us to leave the girls knowing we would have some days were we could not be reached at all but we trusted that things would work out and we did.  So I will show you our vacation pics and give you some of my travel tips (because I am such a pro now.)
 *Consider the driving time part of your vacation.  Kevin and I had to drive 12 hours to Miami and we loved using that time to catch up, listen to music, look at the scenery, etc.  But make sure your AC works really well in your car first.  :(

 Have as many meals as you can outside.  This is where we ate breakfast on the first morning.  Good Morning, Key West!

 Don't be afraid to be a nerd.  Yes, while we were bicycling through paradise I stopped and got a picture at the Hemingway Home.  And yes, there were a million cats running around and no I did not stop to count their toes. 
 Get other people to take pictures of you and your honey.  I doubt we will ever be there again and I wanted to remember everything. 

 TAKE LOTS OF PHOTOS.  You can always edit them down later. 
Ok, we say goodbye to Key West and hello to...

 Be sure to prepare yourself for motion sickness.  This boat may look harmless but going a bajillion miles an hour over choppy water is a killer. 

 Spend the money on excursions.  Kevin and I really researched which excursion we wanted to spend our money on.  We toured the ruins of Tulum and there are no words to describe how amazing they were.  Our tour guide was knowledgeable, the views were spectacular, and we both had a dream come true. 

That vacation was so great.  I told Kevin I wanted to get off the boat, wash our clothes at a laundromat, and keep cruising. 

 2014?  Anyone?


Natalie said...

So fun! i really want to go to tulum next time we go to Mexico.

Karen (but sometimes Chris) said...

I love the "don't be afraid to be a nerd" advice. I feel so validated now, since Chris and I are pretty good at being nerds on vacation (and in everyday living too).