Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lie to me...

It gets easier right?

This whole business about going from one kid to two...
It does get easier right?

It has to because I have seen lots of my friends handle the transition easily. Easily as in they still have all of their hair instead of pulling it out and they can still talk in coherent sentences.

For now I will continue telling myself that it will get better, that I will become a pro at paying attention to my four year old while keeping my three month old happy and content and NOT screaming. I will think nothing of dragging two cute demanding girls to Target and come home with not only what was on my list but my sanity and a little bit of my dignity. It will become second nature to get my preschooler to actually SIT DOWN and eat her dinner, soothe said screaming baby and eat my dinner, while it is still hot. And I will be able to do all of this while looking well groomed and even a tiny hint of make-up.


For now, in the immortal words of Sue Dudley, I am just trying to make it to lunch tomorrow.

You know I can't leave you without this:


Natalie said...

I hope it gets easier for you. I have no advice and no idea how to handle two kiddos!

feedingmyfamily said...

Dinner is supposed to be hot??? Who knew!

andrea said...

Yes!! It does get easier. Eventually.

Or maybe I should say it gets less physically demanding. But then there are always other challenges along the way. We learn from them, right? Right? :)

ansons said...

Yes, it does get easier. You are doing a hard thing. I think the transition to two was the hardest. Just remember that the friends you watch who seem to have it all together have their good days and bad days too. I can't promise warm dinners, but easier days are coming:) Enjoy the ride!

Sidsie said...

It does get easier in about a year.
Your girls are so cute!

Oh, Sweet!... said...

I have to say 2 was a HARD transition for me too! I can say it does get easier! Hang in there!

Oh, Sweet!... said...

....Adorable pictures!!!