I am sure there is a law in NC that if you are within a 5 mile radius of the beach you must go. You may sit, read, people watch, whatever but you have to enjoy it. So that is what Caroline and I did. I picked her up and tried to take her right out toward the waves but she was not happy. We turned around and sat on the steps leading down into the sand. We sat there for a few minutes and just watched this couple who were surf fishing. We watched a dad and daughter walking down the beach with a kite flying overhead. We also watched a group of pelicans skim the surface of the ocean. After awhile she ventured a few feet from the steps. I let her do it by herself. After that she went a few more feet and finally she went all the way to the edge of the water. I love watching her try new things and figure it out on her own. I can see how proud she is of herself when she does it without my help. She isn't my little baby anymore.

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