*Drive all over creation to find a Christmas tree farm, discover it is only open on certain days. End up finding a tree at a garden center and stare in wonder at their slim pickings. (Done)

* Decorate the tree (Done)

*Find our family stockings. These will be the ones we have forever so we have to be picky.
*Watch "It's a Wonderful Life". (Almost done. This movie is being shown at the Carolina Theater and I WILL be there.)
*Print, address, and mail Christmas cards. (Done. I finally gave in this year and got them printed at Sam's. Great price and they turned out great.)
*Listen to Christmas music. (Listening to the new Michael Buble CD and it is like butter!!!)
*Enjoy all the new Christmas crafts Caroline is bring home from school.
*Shop for Christmas presents (Almost done. I hope to be done by the 22nd so we can play, play, play.)
I love this time of year. I love the music. I love the hustle and bustle. I love that everything has a Christmas-y feel to it. I love having my family close and can't wait to see what Santa brings us ;)