We decided to get a real tree this year. Not only a real tree but from a Christmas tree farm. We live in a great area of North Carolina that has tons of tree farms and we wanted to support our local farmers. Caroline was way excited to help us pick out a tree. It was freezing and even though you can't see it from the pictures there was still a little bit of snow on the ground.

It was a cut your own tree farm. It was literally in a guy's backyard. It was cool to see all the baby trees that will be decked out one day with lights and ornaments.

I love how Caroline sticks out her tongue while working so hard to hang the lights.

We taught her the art of squinting to find out where we are missing lights.

After such a long day Tu-tu was tired and found a great spot to rest.

PS. For those of you who don't know the story, Tu-tu is what we have to call Caroline when she is pretending to be a puppy. When she is Tu-tu she will bark to talk to you, run on all fours and give you puppy hugs (rub up against you) and puppy kisses (lick your face).