I looked at the date of my last post and then looked at the calendar and all I can offer is my sincere apology. We have had such a busy month and then it became a new month, just like that.
That wasn't fair.
I was just getting the hang of November and then BAM! December drop kicks me in the head.
I will give you an update in the form of my to do list since that is the only writing I have been doing lately.
1. Have a great Thanksgiving! {Check}
We had a lot of family join us for Thanksgiving this year since Kevin had a crazy work schedule. We got to feel just how many square feet our apartment has. We had good food, good conversations and swimming! Kevin's family rented a hotel here in town and got one with an indoor pool. I highly recommend it! The next day we did some sightseeing before everyone left to go home. My favorite part was watching Caroline and Katy play.

2. Spoil my new niece, Ava Grey {To be continued...}

3. Halloween...
4. Take Christmas pictures for others...
This has been a lot of fun. Head on over to my website to see the end results:
web.mac.com/toni.walker click on "view images"
5. We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo. You can come too, too, too...

6. Play new game with Grandpa {Check}

7. Test out new rain boots {Check}

8. Be better about updating my blog...