Kevin was able to make it back for Caroline's birthday party. We had it the weekend after her birthday at the Walker's. It was so great having everyone there. Caroline got lots of goodies and Kevin and I wondered how we were going to get it back to Atlanta...

I also had the opportunity to attend Jennifer and Mayo's Wilmington Reception/Party. The hurricane hit the night before and so the bar where it was held didn't have electricity until about an hour before the party started. We didn't care. The music was great, it was right on the beach, it was all wonderful.

We danced the night away and had a great time.
I also had the great opportunity of photographing Lori Allen's wedding. She looked so beautiful and happy that day. Congrats guys!

After Lori's wedding I got to pick Kevin up from the airport. It was such a thrill because not only did I get to see him but it also meant that he is done with clinicals. After a whole year he is finally finished. We had a great week in NC together including seeing Pucketts that we haven't seen in years and also celebrating Katy's birthday.

After Lori's wedding I got to pick Kevin up from the airport. It was such a thrill because not only did I get to see him but it also meant that he is done with clinicals. After a whole year he is finally finished. We had a great week in NC together including seeing Pucketts that we haven't seen in years and also celebrating Katy's birthday.

Even though I miss everyone like crazy and Caroline keeps begging to go to papa's house and dance with Katy, we are happy to be home with Kevin. Our next exciting project is getting our house ready to put on the market. We will keep you updated.