So I know that I am not teaching anymore but I decided to make myself a summer reading list (I know. Nerd, right?!) I have tried to take time out to read everyday, even if it is just 15 minutes. Kevin and I were talking the other day about books that we like and I realized that there are a lot of classics that I never read. (I think if the NC board finds out they will take away my teaching license) So I decided to make a summer reading list of classics that I should have read but didn't. I am going to list them and then write about them whenever I get a chance. I would love to hear what everyone out there is reading or what you would suggest I put on my list.
Summer 2008:
Anne of Green Gables - I know. I am 31 and am reading it for the first time.
Lord of the Flies - I am addicted to "Lost" and it got me thinking about this book.
The Catcher in the Rye
Their Eyes were watching GodBabbittInvisible ManI don't know if I will get through these. I might (probably(more than likely(will))) change these by the end of the summer. Wish me luck. The good news is that I don't have any tests on these! (Don't get any ideas Jennifer Raspet:))