Here are a few cute pictures that I have snapped in the past few days. We are getting ready for our trip to Wilmington. Can't wait to see everyone.

Kevin surprised me and came home for my birthday. What a sweet guy! Of course Caroline thought he came home for her. He was taking pictures of Caroline and she wanted to see them. Such a cute moment.

I was reading one morning while Caroline was watching Sesame Street and playing. I looked up and found her trying to change her teddy bear's "diaper"! She laid the bear down, got our basket we keep her diapers in and opened the diaper up. She was a little unsure what to do after that. Later on that night Kevin was playing with her and she tried it again. He helped her by handing her a wipe. She wiped the bear's bottom and then they put the diaper on the bear. It was too funny.

Hannah came over to play and feel in love with Caroline's shopping cart (Thanks again Janine!) Of course Caroline got jealous so we found a solution so both girls would be happy. We put Hannah in and let Caroline push. They giggled the whole time. Tarrah and I watched as Caroline pushed Hannah all around the house. Those girls crack us up.